What to wear when you care about the environment
Numerous studies tell us to what extent the textile industry contributes to the pollution of our beautiful planet. With its high consumption of water, its exorbitant rate of CO2 emissions into the air and plastic microparticles in our oceans, the impact of this industry can no longer be ignored.
The labels on the clothes we buy tell us that often the clothes are made far away from home (and, sadly, in working conditions that we might find unacceptable). From an environmental point of view, this means that clothes travel from one end of the world to the other to be sold. Also, all too frequently, the difference between the price of making a garment and the price that is changed for it, is staggering.
Greta Thunberg recently told Vogue Scandinavia that her last clothing purchase was three years ago, and that it was a used garment. For everything else, she wears what she is given. The growing number of thrift shops and bartering places confirms the feasibility of this type of consumption.
Let's only buy if we really can't do otherwise. Let’s choice local products: what does the product label tell me about the composition and place of manufacture of my item?
With La Récup', you can give away clothes or accessories that you no longer like, or that your children no longer fit. You can make someone else happy, someone who is looking to consume more responsibly. You can make a difference.
The iconic Emma Watson, who is also very committed to this issue, reminds us that wearing cheap clothes does not mean being poor. "Remember that you have a family to feed, not a society to impress." This message invites us to reconnect with the essentials, to choose values that are more substantial and important than those often conveyed by the world of fashion and supported by the current consumer model.
If you found this article too serious, laugh now by re-watching this video: https://youtu.be/vZDEgY9lJao.You can't help but think!
Bon(s) don(s) à tous!
About the author
Emanuela is a volunteer at La Récup' Valais, a non-profit association that manages the free website larecupvs.ch, specifically for Valais. La Récup aims to reduce waste and to reinforce community spirit, by giving articles that are no longer needed to others within the community.
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