Association La Récup' Blog


Building community spirit in Valais

Publish Date: 07-12-21

"It's not the same as it used to be" is something we often hear, when people talk about the way in which people in their village, town, commune used to help and support each other.

But from everything I've observed, it's still there, it's still at the core of our souls, integral to the Valaisian way of life and culture. We just need to nurture it, to move it into the 21st century and make it fit

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Birthdays, Christmas, celebrations...

Publish Date: 15-11-21

At La Récup', we advocate recycling, re-use and eco-responsible consumption. If you think this is sometimes a challenge when it comes to oneself or everyday consumption, it can be even more difficult when you have to find a present for a special occasion: a birthday, a diploma, a housewarming, Christmas…

You must have already read that recycled gifts wrapped in newspaper are even trendy. It's

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You have the power to change the world

Publish Date: 15-11-21

Hey you, you have the power to change the world.                   

"Me? You talking to me?"

Yes, you.

"But you don't know me from Adam, how can you say that?"

You're right. I don't know you. But I know you're reading this. And that's quite possibly because you're interested in La Récup' and maybe because you too want to help reduce waste and build stronger communities. Or perhaps you're

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We give to others, we re-use. But what else can we do?

Publish Date: 15-11-21

At La Récup', we can give things that we no longer need and are in good condition. We can also find things we need, and therefore this process contributes to the reduction of waste. Reducing our waste means building a healthier environment around us. 

Yes, but that's not all. At La Récup', we'd like to do more. To be part of creating a personal and sustainable consumption model that works for

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Moving home: a good opportunity to de-clutter and give to others

Publish Date: 15-11-21

In Switzerland, moving times are often based on the dates of rental termination deadlines and the usual quarterly deadlines.

If you plan to move to another commune or canton, you'll have to leave your home as you found it, i.e. empty, and you will not necessarily want to take everything with you.

Organising the boxes and diving deep into your cupboards with a bit of advance notice will help you

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What to wear when you care about the environment

Publish Date: 15-11-21

Numerous studies tell us to what extent the textile industry contributes to the pollution of our beautiful planet. With its high consumption of water, its exorbitant rate of CO2 emissions into the air and plastic microparticles in our oceans, the impact of this industry can no longer be ignored.

The labels on the clothes we buy tell us that often the clothes are made far away from home (and,

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Help us spread the word about La Récup'!

Publish Date: 15-11-21

Although we are only six months old, the support of many Valaisans has been crucial to the success and popularity of La Recup'. We need to continue like this, because the more people who know about La Récup' and use it, the better it will be for everyone.

If you'd like to help us, there are two things that would make a big difference :

  1. Tell your friends, relations and colleagues about La Récup'.
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Think before you think

Publish Date: 14-11-21

When you’ve got something that you no longer want, what is the first thought you have? Could it be "the tip" or “sell it"? Or maybe "stick it in the attic, cellar or garage"? 

It's possible that the more enlightened among us are already thinking "who can I give it to?" or "who would be able to use this? In Valais, if we want to individually and collectively make a positive difference to our

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And now it's up to you, people of Valais Romand

Publish Date: 14-11-21

Two months ago a non-profit association, based here in Valais, launched a brand new website called La Récup' Valais. With financial support from its founding members and many hours of free time, the association developed a website where people can publish free ads for free items. 

La Récup' encourages people to give away items they no longer need to others in their community, whether in their

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After two weeks, what's going quickly?

Publish Date: 14-11-21

La Récup' is now just two weeks old! Already more than 100 ads have been published on the site, and many items have been donated to other people in the Valais. This is a great start: thank you very much for your support. Without you, La Récup' would not work.

So we thought you might be interested to know what type of item (so far) is in demand and going fast

We would also like to point out

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